The Opportunistic Objector

The recent tragic earthquake in Nepal has once again rallied the nations of the world to send what money and resources they have to help these people in their time of need. Footage and news from the area shows incredible devastation, human loss, and a genuine need for help. It has happened before, and it... Continue Reading →

Dying by Inches and Feet

Like everyone else, I woke up Friday morning to horrible news in Aurora, Colorado. As the day passed, the news got worse. 12 people killed, 58 injured. The alleged gunman, James Eagan Holmes, dressed in riot gear, carrying enough weapons to kill so many more, supposedly calling himself the Joker, and revealing his apartment was booby-trapped.... Continue Reading →

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Dirty Sci-Fi Buddha

Musings and books from a grunty overthinker

Shannon A. Thompson

Author. Speaker. Librarian.

My Serene Words

seeking solace in the horizon of life and beyond

We All Start Somewhere

A Beautiful Disaster of Controlled Chaos

Annes canvas

Art Every Day


... I M O ...

Suzie Speaks

The Adventures Of a Thirty-Something Life